Dr. Josephine Grima


Josephine Grima, Ph.D., joined The Marfan Foundation in 2000 and is currently the Chief Science Officer.  She is responsible for developing and coordinating The Foundation’s Research Program that provides over $1,000,000 in yearly grants.  She oversees the Help and Resource Center and prepares educational material for both the lay population and the medical community. She is the liaison to the Foundation’s Professional Advisory Board, Scientific Advisory Board and many international collaborations.  In addition, she is responsible for managing our outreach to the NIH, advocacy organizations and also works with congressional members.  From 2002 -2016, Josephine served as a Board member to the National Organization of Rare Diseases to help guide this organization with growth, financial and scientific issues. She also served a 4-year term as a Consumer Representative for the Science Board to the Food and Drug Administration to help advise FDA on emerging issues within the scientific community, in industry and academia.